Dillon Landi

Education, Health, Physical Activity
"Dillon Landi"
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Marttinen R, Landi D, Novak D, et al. (2020) A Systematic Analysis of Research on Teaching in Physical Education: Two Decades of Progress Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 39: 545-554
Marttinen R, Landi D, Fredrick RN, et al. (2020) Wearable Digital Technology in PE: Advantages, Barriers, and Teachers’ Ideologies Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 39: 227-235
Flory SB, Landi D. (2020) Equity and diversity in health, physical activity, and education: connecting the past, mapping the present, and exploring the future Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. 25: 213-224
Landi D, Lynch S, Walton-Fisette J. (2020) The A-Z of Social Justice Physical Education: Part 2 The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 91: 20-27
Landi D. (2019) Queer men, affect, and physical education Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. 11: 168-187
Landi D. (2018) Toward a queer inclusive physical education Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy. 23: 1-15
Pringle R, Landi D. (2017) Re-reading Deleuze and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus Annals of Leisure Research. 20: 117-122
Landi D, Fitzpatrick K, McGlashan H. (2016) Models based practices in physical education: A sociocritical reflection Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 35: 400-411
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