Loni Desanghere

2013 Psychology University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 
"Loni Desanghere"
Mean distance: 16.01 (cluster 23)


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Jonathan J. Marotta grad student 2013 University of Manitoba
 (Gaze strategies in perception and action.)
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Desanghere L, Marotta JJ. (2015) The influence of object shape and center of mass on grasp and gaze. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 1537
Desanghere L, Marotta J. (2013) Eye-hand coordination: Differential effects of object shape and surface properties on fixation and grasp locations Journal of Vision. 13: 344-344
Desanghere L, Marotta JJ. (2011) "Graspability" of objects affects gaze patterns during perception and action tasks. Experimental Brain Research. 212: 177-87
Lawrence JM, Abhari K, Prime SL, et al. (2011) A novel integrative method for analyzing eye and hand behaviour during reaching and grasping in an MRI environment. Behavior Research Methods. 43: 399-408
Desanghere L, Marotta J. (2010) Gaze strategies and grasping: Complex shapes Journal of Vision. 9: 1108-1108
Marotta J, Desanghere L, Meek B, et al. (2010) Posterior cortical atrophy: The effects on perception and action Journal of Vision. 9: 1095-1095
Desanghere L, Marotta J. (2010) Gaze strategies while grasping: What are you looking at?! Journal of Vision. 8: 299-299
Meek B, Desanghere L, Marotta J. (2010) Posterior Cortical Atrophy: An investigation of grasping Journal of Vision. 10: 1087-1087
Desanghere L, Marotta JJ. (2008) The specificity of learned associations in visuomotor and perceptual processing. Experimental Brain Research. 187: 595-601
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