Matthew Jakupcak, Ph.D.

University of Massachusetts, Boston, Boston, MA 
"Matthew Jakupcak"
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Lizabeth Roemer grad student 2004 U Mass Boston
 (Emotionality, masculine gender role stress, and shame in relationship to men's anger, hostility, and aggression.)
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Wagner AW, Jakupcak M, Kowalski HM, et al. (2019) Behavioral Activation as a Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Returning Veterans: A Randomized Trial. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). appips201800572
Campbell SB, Fortney J, Simpson TL, et al. (2019) Change in social support while participating in behavioral activation for PTSD. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy
Artime TM, Buchholz KR, Jakupcak M. (2018) Mental health symptoms and treatment utilization among trauma-exposed college students. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy
Jakupcak M, Primack JM, Solimeo SL. (2017) Introduction to the special issue examining the implications of masculinity within military and veteran populations. Psychology of Men & Masculinity. 18: 191-192
Vasterling JJ, Aslan M, Proctor SP, et al. (2016) Longitudinal Examination of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder as a Long-Term Outcome of Iraq War Deployment. American Journal of Epidemiology
McGinn MM, Hoerster KD, Stryczek KC, et al. (2016) Relationship Satisfaction, PTSD Symptom Severity, and Mental Healthcare Utilization Among OEF/OIF Veterans . Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43)
Vasterling JJ, Proctor SP, Aslan M, et al. (2015) Military, demographic, and psychosocial predictors of military retention in enlisted army soldiers 12 months after deployment to Iraq. Military Medicine. 180: 524-32
Schoenleber M, Sippel LM, Jakupcak M, et al. (2015) Role of trait shame in the association between posttraumatic stress and aggression among men with a history of interpersonal trauma. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. 7: 43-9
Hoerster KD, Jakupcak M, Hanson R, et al. (2015) PTSD and depression symptoms are associated with binge eating among US Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. Eating Behaviors. 17: 115-8
Hoerster KD, Jakupcak M, Stephenson KR, et al. (2015) A pilot trial of telephone-based collaborative care management for PTSD among Iraq/Afghanistan war veterans. Telemedicine Journal and E-Health : the Official Journal of the American Telemedicine Association. 21: 42-7
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