Shawn E. Kotermanski, Ph.D.

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
"Shawn Kotermanski"
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Jon W. Johnson grad student 2008 University of Pittsburgh
 (Mechanism of block and behavioral effects of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists memantine and ketamine.)
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Jackson TC, Janesko-Feldman K, Carlson SW, et al. (2019) Robust RBM3 and β-klotho expression in developing neurons in the human brain. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism : Official Journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 271678X19878889
Jackson EK, Kotermanski SE, Menshikova EV, et al. (2017) Adenosine Production by Brain Cells. Journal of Neurochemistry
Kotermanski SE, Johnson JW, Thiels E. (2013) Comparison of behavioral effects of the NMDA receptor channel blockers memantine and ketamine in rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 109: 67-76
Kotermanski SE, Wood JT, Johnson JW. (2009) Memantine binding to a superficial site on NMDA receptors contributes to partial trapping. The Journal of Physiology. 587: 4589-604
Kotermanski SE, Johnson JW. (2009) Mg2+ imparts NMDA receptor subtype selectivity to the Alzheimer's drug memantine. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 29: 2774-9
Johnson JW, Kotermanski SE. (2006) Mechanism of action of memantine. Current Opinion in Pharmacology. 6: 61-7
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