Jiping Zhang

East China Normal University, Shanghai, Shanghai Shi, China 
auditory neurophysiology, Hearing research
"Jiping Zhang"
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Li Y, Zhang J. (2023) Binaural advantages in sound temporal information processing by neurons in the rat inferior colliculus. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 17: 1308052
Chang S, Xu J, Zheng M, et al. (2022) Combining visual information into the auditory cortex promotes sound discrimination through choice-related multisensory integration. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Cheng Y, Tang B, Zhang G, et al. (2022) Degraded cortical temporal processing in the valproic acid-induced rat model of autism. Neuropharmacology. 109000
Liu J, Huang X, Zhang J. (2021) Unilateral Conductive Hearing Loss Disrupts the Developmental Refinement of Binaural Processing in the Rat Primary Auditory Cortex. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 15: 762337
Yu L, Hu J, Shi C, et al. (2021) The causal role of auditory cortex in auditory working memory. Elife. 10
Wang X, Liu J, Zhang J. (2019) Chronic Unilateral Hearing Loss Disrupts Neural Tuning to Sound-Source Azimuth in the Rat Primary Auditory Cortex. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 13: 477
Wang F, Liu J, Zhang J. (2019) Early postnatal noise exposure degrades the stimulus-specific adaptation of neurons in the rat auditory cortex in adulthood. Neuroscience
Xu J, Bi T, Wu J, et al. (2018) Spatial receptive field shift by preceding cross-modal stimulation in the cat superior colliculus. The Journal of Physiology
Gao F, Chen L, Zhang J. (2018) Non-uniform impacts of forward suppression on neural responses to preferred stimuli and non-preferred stimuli in the rat auditory cortex. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Xu J, Bi T, Keniston L, et al. (2016) Deactivation of Association Cortices Disrupted the Congruence of Visual and Auditory Receptive Fields in Superior Colliculus Neurons. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
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