Banchiamlack Dessalegn, Ph.D.

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
spatial cognition, language, development
"Banchiamlack Dessalegn"
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Barbara Landau grad student 2009 Johns Hopkins
 (A vision of language: The mechanism, development and consequence of an interaction between language and vision.)
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Dessalegn B, Landau B. (2013) Interaction between language and vision: it's momentary, abstract, and it develops. Cognition. 127: 331-44
Dessalegn B, Landau B, Rapp B. (2013) Consequences of severe visual-spatial deficits for reading acquisition: evidence from Williams syndrome. Neurocase. 19: 328-47
Lakusta L, Dessalegn B, Landau B. (2010) Impaired geometric reorientation caused by genetic defect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107: 2813-7
Dessalegn B, Landau B. (2010) Vision and language: Recoding of visual representations Journal of Vision. 8: 419-419
Dessalegn B, Landau B. (2008) More than meets the eye: the role of language in binding and maintaining feature conjunctions. Psychological Science. 19: 189-95
Dessalegn B, Landau B. (2006) Forming a stable spatial representation Cognitive Processing. 7: 27-27
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