Sherif M. Abdelmohsen, Ph.D.

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 
Philosophy of Science
"Sherif Abdelmohsen"
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Nancy J. Nersessian grad student 2011 Georgia Tech
 (An ethnographically informed analysis of design intent communication in BIM-enabled architectural practice.)
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El-Dabaa R, Abdelmohsen S, Mansour Y. (2020) Programmable passive actuation for adaptive building façade design using hygroscopic properties of wood Wood Material Science and Engineering. 1-14
Abdelmohsen S, Adriaenssens S, El-Dabaa R, et al. (2019) A multi-physics approach for modeling hygroscopic behavior in wood low-tech architectural adaptive systems Computer-Aided Design. 106: 43-53
Abdelmohsen S, Massoud P, Tarabishy S, et al. (2017) Rule-based vs. intuition-based generative design: an inquiry into the digital chain concept in undergraduate architectural education International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems. 32
Abdelmohsen S, Tarabishy S. (2017) Optimized design to robotic production: integrating multipoint forming and free form material deposition in the mass customization of double curved facades International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems. 32
Abdelmohsen SM. (2014) An Inquiry into Designing in Context using Generative Systems International Journal of Architectural Computing. 12: 477-494
Lee JK, Lee J, Jeong YS, et al. (2012) Development of space database for automated building design review systems Automation in Construction. 24: 203-212
Sanguinetti P, Abdelmohsen S, Lee J, et al. (2012) General system architecture for BIM: An integrated approach for design and analysis Advanced Engineering Informatics. 26: 317-333
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