Sarah K. Robins, Ph.D.

Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology Washington University, Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO 
Philosophy of Neuroscience
"Sarah Robins"
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Carl F. Craver grad student 2012 Washington University
 (The Constructive Trace Theory of Memory.)
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Robins S. (2020) Defending Discontinuism, Naturally Review of Philosophy and Psychology. 11: 1-18
Robins SK. (2019) Confabulation and constructive memory Synthese. 196: 2135-2151
Robins S. (2018) Confabulation and epistemic authority. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 41
Robins SK. (2018) Memory and Optogenetic Intervention: Separating the Engram from the Ecphory Philosophy of Science. 85: 1078-1089
Robins SK. (2017) Contiguity and the causal theory of memory Canadian Journal of Philosophy. 47: 1-19
Robins SK. (2016) Optogenetics and the mechanism of false memory Synthese. 1-23
Robins S. (2016) Representing the past: memory traces and the causal theory of memory Philosophical Studies. 1-21
Robins S. (2015) How We Remember: Brain Mechanisms of Episodic Memory: A mechanism for mental time travel? A critical review of Hasselmo’s How we remember: Brain mechanisms of episodic memory Philosophical Psychology. 28: 903-915
Robins S, Treiman R, Rosales N. (2014) Letter Knowledge in Parent-Child Conversations. Reading and Writing. 27: 407-429
Robins S, Treiman R, Rosales N, et al. (2012) Parent-Child Conversations About Letters and Pictures. Reading and Writing. 25: 2039-2059
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