Luz Torner

"Luz Torner"
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Roque A, Ruiz-González R, Pineda-López E, et al. (2019) Prenatal immobilization stress and postnatal maternal separation cause differential neuroendocrine responses to fasting stress in adult male rats. Developmental Psychobiology
Roque A, Lajud N, José Valdez J, et al. (2019) Early-life stress increases granule cell density in the cerebellum of male rats. Brain Research. 146358
Muñoz-Mayorga D, Guerra-Araiza C, Torner L, et al. (2018) Tau Phosphorylation in Female Neurodegeneration: Role of Estrogens, Progesterone, and Prolactin. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 9: 133
Saavedra LM, Fenton Navarro B, Torner L. (2018) Early Life Stress Activates Glial Cells in the Hippocampus but Attenuates Cytokine Secretion in Response to an Immune Challenge in Rat Pups. Neuroimmunomodulation
Torner L, Plotsky PM, Neumann ID, et al. (2017) Corrigendum to "Forced swimming-induced oxytocin release into blood and brain: Effects of adrenalectomy and corticosterone treatment" [Psychoneuroendocrinology 77 (2017) 165-174]. Psychoneuroendocrinology
Torner L, Plotsky PM, Neumann ID, et al. (2016) Forced swimming-induced oxytocin release into blood and brain: Effects of adrenalectomy and corticosterone treatment. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 77: 165-174
Torner L. (2016) Actions of Prolactin in the Brain: From Physiological Adaptations to Stress and Neurogenesis to Psychopathology. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 7: 25
Roque A, Ochoa-Zarzosa A, Torner L. (2015) Maternal separation activates microglial cells and induces an inflammatory response in the hippocampus of male rat pups, independently of hypothalamic and peripheral cytokine levels. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
Lajud N, Torner L. (2015) Early life stress and hippocampal neurogenesis in the neonate: sexual dimorphism, long term consequences and possible mediators. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 8: 3
Zamorano M, Ledesma-Colunga MG, Adán N, et al. (2014) Prolactin-derived vasoinhibins increase anxiety- and depression-related behaviors. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 44: 123-32
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