Jake Jordan

2015-2019 Biology Queens College, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
 2019- Neuroscience Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, New York, United States 
Memory, Hippocampus, Hemispheric Lateralization
"Jake Jordan"
Mean distance: 18.15 (cluster 6)
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McDermott KD, Frechou MA, Jordan JT, et al. (2023) Delayed formation of neural representations of space in aged mice. Aging Cell. e13924
McDermott KD, Frechou MA, Jordan JT, et al. (2023) Delayed formation of neural representations of space in aged mice. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Jordan JT, Tong Y, Pytte CL. (2022) Transection of the ventral hippocampal commissure impairs spatial reference but not contextual or spatial working memory. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 29: 29-37
Jordan JT, McDermott KD, Frechou MA, et al. (2021) Treadmill-based task for assessing spatial memory in head-fixed mice. Star Protocols. 2: 100770
Jordan JT, Shanley MR, Pytte CL. (2019) Behavioral state-dependent lateralization of dorsal dentate gyrus c-Fos expression in mice. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. 3: NS20180206
Jordan JT. (2019) The rodent hippocampus as a bilateral structure: A review of hemispheric lateralization. Hippocampus
Jordan J. (2016) Dendritic Spikes Provide a Mechanism for Hippocampal Replay and Sharp-Wave/Ripple Generation. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 36: 4152-4
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