Charles R. Seger, Ph.D.

2010 Psychology Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
Social psychology
"Charles Seger"


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Eliot R. Smith grad student 2010 Indiana University Bloomington
 (Literal intergroup contact: Embodied relational cues and the reduction of intergroup bias.)
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Lede E, Meleady R, Seger CR. (2019) Optimizing the influence of social norms interventions: Applying social identity insights to motivate residential water conservation Journal of Environmental Psychology. 62: 105-114
Vermue M, Meleady R, Seger CR. (2019) Member-to-member generalisation in trust behaviour: How do prior experiences inform prosocial behaviour towards novel ingroup and outgroup members? Current Psychology. 38: 1003-1020
Vermue M, Seger CR, Sanfey AG. (2018) Group-based biases influence learning about individual trustworthiness Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 77: 36-49
Meleady R, Seger CR, Vermue M. (2017) Examining the role of positive and negative intergroup contact and anti-immigrant prejudice in Brexit. The British Journal of Social Psychology
Seger CR, Banerji I, Park SH, et al. (2016) Specific emotions as mediators of the effect of intergroup contact on prejudice: findings across multiple participant and target groups. Cognition & Emotion. 1-14
Meleady R, Seger CR. (2016) Imagined contact encourages prosocial behavior towards outgroup members Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 20: 447-464
Corr PJ, Hargreaves Heap SP, Seger CR, et al. (2015) An experiment on individual 'parochial altruism' revealing no connection between individual 'altruism' and individual 'parochialism'. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 1261
Seger CR, Smith ER, Percy EJ, et al. (2014) Reach Out and Reduce Prejudice: The Impact of Interpersonal Touch on Intergroup Liking Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 36: 51-58
Corr PJ, Hargreaves-Heap S, Tsutsui K, et al. (2013) Personality and social attitudes: Evidence for positive-approach motivation Personality and Individual Differences. 55: 846-851
Seger C, Corr PJ. (2012) Prejudice and personality: a role for positive-approach processes? The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 35: 446-7
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