Aimee K. Santucci, Ph.D.

2003 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States 
"Aimee Santucci"
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Bruce H. Friedman grad student 2003 Virginia Tech
 (Individual differences in adults' self-report of negative affect and effortful control: Consequences for physiology, emotion, and behavior during regulatory tasks.)
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Friedman BH, Santucci AK. (2003) Idiodynamic profiles of cardiovascular activity: a P-technique approach. Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science : the Official Journal of the Pavlovian Society. 38: 295-315
Friedman BH, Allen MT, Christie IC, et al. (2002) Validity concerns of common heart-rate variability indices. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine : the Quarterly Magazine of the Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society. 21: 35-40
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