Lenny R. Vartanian, Ph.D.

2004 University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
"Lenny Vartanian"
Mean distance: 18.29 (cluster 20)


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C. Peter Herman grad student 2004 University of Toronto
 (Judgments of body size based on meal size: Understanding the role of dietary restraint.)
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Vartanian LR, Reily NM, Spanos S, et al. (2024) Evidence of a self-serving bias in people's attributions for their food intake. Appetite. 201: 107583
Rubenstein SA, Vartanian LR, Herman CP, et al. (2022) Influence of social-normative information on the modeling of food-related decisions. Appetite. 176: 106095
Long EV, Vartanian LR, Faasse K, et al. (2022) People's intended serving behaviour at social vs. non-social meals. Appetite. 175: 106053
Froreich FV, Vartanian LR, Grisham JR, et al. (2021) The psychological effects of blind and open weighing in women with a high drive for thinness: A mixed method inquiry. Body Image. 39: 232-236
Ruddock HK, Long EV, Brunstrom JM, et al. (2021) People serve themselves larger portions before a social meal. Scientific Reports. 11: 11072
Vartanian LR, Herman CP, Polivy J. (2020) Modeling of food intake among restrained and unrestrained eaters. Appetite. 104811
Black C, Vartanian LR, Faasse K. (2020) Investigating lay beliefs regarding the effect of weight loss on health. Psychology & Health. 1-18
Rahimi-Ardabili H, Vartanian LR, Zwar N, et al. (2020) Efficacy and acceptability of a pilot dietary intervention focusing on self-compassion, goal-setting and self-monitoring. Public Health Nutrition. 1-13
Long EV, Vartanian LR, Herman CP, et al. (2020) What does it mean to overeat? Eating Behaviors. 37: 101390
Reily NM, Vartanian LR, Faasse K. (2020) Development of a scale to measure reasons for eating less healthily after exercise: the compensatory unhealthy eating scale Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. 8: 110-131
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