Harvey A. Carr

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
"Harvey Carr"
Mean distance: 13.62 (cluster 8)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Marion E. Bunch grad student (PsychTree)
Edward Safford Jones grad student SUNY Buffalo
Olive P. Lester grad student (Gerontology Family Tree)
Melvin Marx grad student Chicago (PsychTree)
John A. McGeoch grad student
Walter S. Hunter grad student 1912 Chicago
C. J. Warden grad student 1922 Chicago
Elmer Culler grad student 1915-1922 Chicago
William Emet Blatz grad student 1924 Chicago
William Thomas Heron grad student 1924 Chicago
Shu Pan grad student 1923-1927 Chicago
Harold O. Gulliksen grad student 1931 Chicago (PsychTree)
Frank A. Beach grad student 1935 Chicago
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Boring EG, Carr HA, Terman LM, et al. (1934) Standards for the Ph.D. Degree in Psychology by the American Psychological Association's Committee on the Ph.D. Degree in Psychology Psychological Bulletin. 31: 67-72
Carr HA. (1910) Studies from the psychological laboratory of the University of Chicago: The autokinetic sensation Psychological Review. 17: 42-75
Carr H, Angell JR. (1907) Studies from the laboratory of the University at Chicago: Thependular whiplash illusion of motion Psychological Review. 14: 169-180
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