Zachary J. Wartell, Ph.D.

2001 Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 
"Zachary Wartell"
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Larry F. Hodges grad student 2001 Georgia Tech
 (Stereoscopic head -tracked displays: Analysis and development of display algorithms.)


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Isaac Cho grad student (Computer Science Tree)
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Cho I, Li J, Wartell Z. (2017) Multi-Scale 7DOF View Adjustment. Ieee Transactions On Visualization and Computer Graphics
Cho I, Wartell Z. (2015) Evaluation of a bimanual simultaneous 7DOF interaction technique in virtual environments 2015 Ieee Symposium On 3d User Interfaces, 3dui 2015 - Proceedings. 133-136
Bernier CR, Petrov AS, Waterbury CC, et al. (2014) RiboVision suite for visualization and analysis of ribosomes. Faraday Discussions. 169: 195-207
Cho I, Wartell Z, Dou W, et al. (2014) Stereo and motion cues effect on depth perception of volumetric data Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 9011
Cho I, Wang X, Wartell ZJ. (2014) HyFinBall: A two-handed, hybrid 2D/3D desktop VR interface for multi-dimensional visualization Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 9017
Cho I, Li J, Wartell Z. (2014) Evaluating dynamic-adjustment of stereo view parameters in a multi-scale virtual environment Ieee Symposium On 3d User Interfaces 2014, 3dui 2014 - Proceedings. 91-98
Cho I, Dou W, Wartell Z, et al. (2012) Evaluating depth perception of volumetric data in semi-immersive VR Proceedings of the Workshop On Advanced Visual Interfaces Avi. 266-269
Ribarsky W, Sauda E, Wartell Z, et al. (2011) The whole story: Building the complete history of a place Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences. 1864-1873
Butkiewicz T, Meentemeyer RK, Shoemaker DA, et al. (2010) Alleviating the modifiable areal unit problem within probe-based geospatial analyses Computer Graphics Forum. 29: 923-932
Butkiewicz T, Jeong DH, Wartell Z, et al. (2009) Hierarchical multi-touch selection techniques for collaborative geospatial analysis Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 7346
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