Géza Szilágyi

Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary 
"Géza Szilágyi"
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Szilágyi G, Vas A, Kerényi L, et al. (2012) Correlation between crossed cerebellar diaschisis and clinical neurological scales. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 125: 373-81
Gulyás B, Dobai J, Szilágyi G, et al. (2006) Continuous monitoring of post mortem temperature changes in the human brain. Neurochemical Research. 31: 157-66
Szilágyi G, Nagy Z, Balkay L, et al. (2005) Effects of vinpocetine on the redistribution of cerebral blood flow and glucose metabolism in chronic ischemic stroke patients: a PET study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 229: 275-84
Gulyás B, Halldin C, Vas A, et al. (2005) [11C]vinpocetine: a prospective peripheral benzodiazepine receptor ligand for primate PET studies. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 229: 219-23
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