Felix Warneken

Psychology Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Felix Warneken"
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Myslinska-Szarek K, Warneken F. (2024) What do children value more in a collaborator-Problem-solving capacity or fair sharing? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 249: 106070
Lee YE, He S, Warneken F. (2023) Children's third-party punishment does not change depending on the prospect of future interaction. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Amir D, Melnikoff D, Warneken F, et al. (2023) Computational signatures of inequity aversion in children across seven societies. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Grueneisen S, Leimgruber KL, Vogt RL, et al. (2023) Prospection and delay of gratification support the development of calculated reciprocity. Cognition. 234: 105369
Probst S, Nowack A, Warneken F. (2023) Children's moral reasoning about self- versus other-benefiting public health measures. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 229: 105623
Marshall J, Lee YE, Deutchman P, et al. (2023) When not helping is nice: Children's changing evaluations of helping during COVID-19. Developmental Psychology
Umscheid VA, Smith CE, Warneken F, et al. (2022) What makes Voldemort tick? Children's and adults' reasoning about the nature of villains. Cognition. 233: 105357
McAuliffe K, Benjamin N, Warneken F. (2022) Reward type influences adults' rejections of inequality in a task designed for children. Plos One. 17: e0272710
Lee YE, Marshall J, Deutchman P, et al. (2022) Children's judgments of interventions against norm violations: COVID-19 as a naturalistic case study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 221: 105452
Lee YE, Warneken F. (2022) Does third-party punishment in children aim at equality? Developmental Psychology. 58: 866-873
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