David A. Beaulieu, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | Psychology | University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States |
"David Beaulieu"Mean distance: 26716.5
Sign in to add mentorDaphne Bugental | grad student | 2007 | UC Santa Barbara | |
(Avoiding costly mating mistakes: The evolution of female reproductive safeguards.) |
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Beaulieu DA, Havens K. (2015) Fertile women are more demanding: Ovulatory increases in minimum mate preference criteria across a wide range of characteristics and relationship contexts Personality and Individual Differences. 72: 200-207 |
Bugental DB, Beaulieu DA, Corpuz R. (2012) Parental Investment in Caregiving Relationships Moving Beyond Self-Interest: Perspectives From Evolutionary Biology, Neuroscience, and the Social Sciences |
Bugental DB, Beaulieu DA, Silbert-Geiger A. (2010) Increases in parental investment and child health as a result of an early intervention. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 106: 30-40 |
Bugental DB, Beaulieu D, Fowler E, et al. (2010) Reactivity to stress: When does a history of medical adversity foster resilience versus vulnerability? Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 40: 1385-1399 |
Bugental DB, Beaulieu DA, Schwartz A, et al. (2009) Domain-specific responses to power-based interaction Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 45: 386-391 |
Bugental DB, Beaulieu DA. (2009) Sex differences in response to coalitional threat Evolution and Human Behavior. 30: 238-243 |
Bugental DB, Beaulieu D, Schwartz A. (2008) Hormonal sensitivity of preterm versus full-term infants to the effects of maternal depression. Infant Behavior & Development. 31: 51-61 |
Beaulieu DA, Bugental D. (2008) Contingent parental investment: an evolutionary framework for understanding early interaction between mothers and children Evolution and Human Behavior. 29: 249-255 |
Azzam TI, Beaulieu DA, Bugental DB. (2007) Anxiety and hostility to an "outsider," as moderated by low perceived power. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 7: 660-7 |
Bugental DB, Beaulieu DA. (2003) A bio-social-cognitive approach to understanding and promoting the outcomes of children with medical and physical disorders. Advances in Child Development and Behavior. 31: 329-61 |