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Roger M. Enoka, Ph.D.

Integrative Physiology University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
Muscle Fatigue, Aging, Motor Units
"Roger Enoka"
Mean distance: 15.89 (cluster 49)


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Jennifer L. Stephenson research assistant 2003-2004 CU Boulder
Melissa Anderson research assistant 2004-2005 CU Boulder
Adam H. Maerz grad student 2008- CU Boulder
Douglas H. Laidlaw grad student 1993-2000 University of Arizona
J. Timothy Noteboom grad student 1997-2000 CU Boulder
Anna M. Moritz grad student 1999-2003 CU Boulder
Kurt W. Kornatz grad student 1999-2004 CU Boulder
Kevin G. Keenan grad student 2000-2005 CU Boulder
Carol J. Mottram grad student 2000-2005 CU Boulder
Justus D. Ortega grad student 1999-2006 CU Boulder
Brach J. Poston grad student 2002-2006 CU Boulder
Zachary A. Riley grad student 2004-2008 CU Boulder
Mark Jesunathadas grad student 2005-2009 CU Boulder
Adam R. Marmon grad student 2005-2009 CU Boulder
Michael A. Pascoe grad student 2010 CU Boulder
Mike Pascoe grad student 2005-2010 CU Boulder
Matthew R. Holmes grad student 2007-2012 CU Boulder
Jamie N. Justice grad student 2013 CU Boulder
Robyn A Capobianco grad student 2015-2018 CU Boulder
Thorsten Rudroff post-doc 2002- CU Boulder
Kimberlee Jordan post-doc 2006- CU Boulder
Stéphane Baudry post-doc 2007- CU Boulder
Grant A. Robinson post-doc 1986-1989
S. Jayne Garland post-doc 1988-1989 University of Arizona
Lawrence P. Serrano post-doc 1988-1989 University of Arizona
Andrew Fuglevand post-doc 1989-1992 University of Arizona
Diana S. Glendinning post-doc 1992-1994
Martin Bilodeau post-doc 1993-1995
Guang Yue post-doc 1991-1996
Sophie De Serres post-doc 1996-1999 CU Boulder
John G. Semmler post-doc 1997-2002 CU Boulder
Jennifer Jakobi post-doc 2001-2002 CU Boulder
Brian L. Tracy post-doc 1997-2003 CU Boulder
Sandra K. Hunter post-doc 1999-2003 CU Boulder
Chet T. Moritz post-doc 2003-2004 CU Boulder
Katrina S. Maluf post-doc 2002-2005 CU Boulder
Evangelos A. Christou post-doc 2000-2006 CU Boulder
Minoru Shinohara post-doc 2003-2006 CU Boulder
Benjamin K. Barry post-doc 2004-2007 CU Boulder
BETA: Related publications


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Avrillon S, Hug F, Enoka RM, et al. (2024) The identification of extensive samples of motor units in human muscles reveals diverse effects of neuromodulatory inputs on the rate coding. Elife. 13
Farina D, Merletti R, Enoka RM. (2024) The Extraction Of Neural Strategies From The Surface Emg: 2004-2024. Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)
Sahinis C, Amiridis IG, Kannas T, et al. (2024) Distinct Neural Drives along the Semitendinosus Muscle. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
J M Dick T, Tucker K, Hug F, et al. (2024) Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: Application of EMG to estimate muscle force. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology : Official Journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology. 102910
Sahinis C, Amiridis IG, Varvariotis N, et al. (2024) Foot-dominance does not influence force variability during ankle dorsiflexion and foot adduction. Journal of Sports Sciences. 1-11
Tsiouri C, Amiridis IG, Kannas T, et al. (2024) EMG coherence of foot and ankle muscles increases with a postural challenge in men. Gait & Posture. 113: 238-245
Pechlivanos RG, Amiridis IG, Anastasiadis N, et al. (2024) Effects of plyometric training techniques on vertical jump performance of basketball players. European Journal of Sport Science. 24: 682-692
Del Vecchio A, Enoka RM, Farina D. (2024) Specificity of early motor unit adaptations with resistive exercise training. The Journal of Physiology
Besomi M, Devecchi V, Falla D, et al. (2024) Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: Checklist for reporting and critically appraising studies using EMG (CEDE-Check). Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology : Official Journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology. 76: 102874
Weinman LE, Del Vecchio A, Mazzo MR, et al. (2024) Motor unit modes in the calf muscles during a submaximal isometric contraction are changed by brief stretches. The Journal of Physiology. 602: 1385-1404
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