Leah M. Melber, Ph.D.

2004 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
Early Childhood Education, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
"Leah Melber"
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Robert Rueda grad student 2004 USC
 (Maternal scaffolding strategies in two museum exhibition halls.)
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Gillespie KL, Melber LM. (2014) Connecting students around the world through a collaborative museum education program Journal of Museum Education. 39: 108-120
Graszer CL, Gnau K, Melber LM. (2012) Exploring Ethograms in the Schoolyard: A Lesson on Animal Behavior Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas. 49: 7-13
Melber LM, Brown KD. (2008) "Not Like a Regular Science Class": Informal Science Education for Students with Disabilities The Clearing House. 82: 35-39
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