Wendy A. Gagnon, Ph.D.

2004 The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 
Educational Psychology Education, Cognitive Psychology
"Wendy Gagnon"
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Susan M. Swearer grad student 2004 University of Nebraska - Lincoln
 (Learning of face -name associations by adults with traumatic brain injury: Effects of an error reduction strategy and live versus photographic stimuli.)
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Allinder RM, Bolling RM, Oats RG, et al. (2000) Effects of teacher self-monitoring on implementation of curriculum-based measurement and mathematics computation achievement of students with disabilities Remedial and Special Education. 21: 219-226
Ajlinder RM, Boiling R, Oats R, et al. (1998) An Analysis of Alternative Means of Measuring Student Achievement Prior to a Scheduled School Break Special Services in the Schools. 14: 51-62
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