Robert Zenhausern

St. John's University, NY, United States 
Neuropsychology, Cognitive Psychology
"Robert Zenhausern"
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Leisman G, Zenhausern R, Ferentz A, et al. (1995) Electromyographic effects of fatigue and task repetition on the validity of estimates of strong and weak muscles in applied kinesiological muscle-testing procedures. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 80: 963-77
Kraemer M, Zenhausern R. (1993) Dichotic listening and the cerebral organization of the phonetic and semantic components of language. The International Journal of Neuroscience. 71: 45-50
Markman S, Zenhausern R. (1988) The interaction of hemispheric related strategies and individual differences in learning. The International Journal of Neuroscience. 43: 165-70
Dunn R, Cavanaugh DP, Eberle BM, et al. (1982) Hemispheric Preference: The Newest Element of Learning Style The American Biology Teacher. 44: 291-294
Oexle JE, Zenhausern R. (1981) Differential hemispheric activation in good and poor readers. The International Journal of Neuroscience. 15: 31-6
Zenhausern R, Notaro J, Grosso J, et al. (1981) The interaction of hemispheric preference, laterality, and sex in the perception of emotional tone and verbal content. The International Journal of Neuroscience. 13: 121-6
Coleman S, Zenhausern R. (1979) Processing speed, laterality patterns, and memory encoding as a function of hemispheric dominance Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 14: 357-360
Zenhausern R, Gebhardt M. (1979) Hemispheric dominance in recall and recognition Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 14: 71-73
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