Jérome Fleuriet, Ph.D

University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
"Jérome Fleuriet"
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Laurent Goffart grad student 2007-2011 CNRS
Guillaume Masson grad student 2011 AIx-Marseille Universités
 (Capture fovéale d'une cible visuelle en mouvement : Approche neurophysiologique chez le singe)
Michael J. Mustari post-doc 2012- University of Washington
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Barthélemy FV, Fleuriet J, Perrinet LU, et al. (2022) A behavioral receptive field for ocular following in monkeys: Spatial summation and its spatial frequency tuning. Eneuro
Mayadali ÜS, Fleuriet J, Mustari M, et al. (2021) Transmitter and ion channel profiles of neurons in the primate abducens and trochlear nuclei. Brain Structure & Function
Rudell JC, Fleuriet J, Mustari MJ, et al. (2021) Childhood Onset Strabismus: A Neurotrophic Factor Hypothesis. Journal of Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility. 1-6
Fleuriet J, Willoughby CL, Kueppers RB, et al. (2020) Eye alignment changes caused by sustained GDNF treatment of an extraocular muscle in infant non-human primates. Scientific Reports. 10: 11927
Fleuriet J, McLoon LK. (2018) Visualizing Neuronal Adaptation Over Time After Treatment of Strabismus. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 59: 5022-5024
Lienbacher K, Ono S, Fleuriet J, et al. (2018) A Subset of Palisade Endings Only in the Medial and Inferior Rectus Muscle in Monkey Contain Calretinin. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 59: 2944-2954
Bakst L, Fleuriet J, Mustari MJ. (2017) FEFsem neuronal response during combined volitional and reflexive pursuit. Journal of Vision. 17: 13
Walton MM, Pallus AC, Fleuriet J, et al. (2017) Neural Mechanisms of Oculomotor Abnormalities in the Infantile Strabismus Syndrome. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00934.2016
Bakst L, Fleuriet J, Mustari MJ. (2017) Temporal Dynamics of Retinal and Extraretinal Signals in the FEFsem during Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00786.2016
Fleuriet J, Bakst L, Mustari M. (2017) Response of pursuit cells in MST after eye position perturbation by microstimulation of the Superior Colliculus (SC) Journal of Vision. 17: 277
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