Rebecca M. Calisi Rodríguez

University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
 Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States 
reproduction, neurobiology, genomics
"Rebecca Calisi Rodríguez"
Mean distance: 14.14 (cluster 7)
Cross-listing: Evolution Tree


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Daniel  R. Formanowicz grad student 2006 UT Arlington (Evolution Tree)
 (Proximate and ultimate mechanisms associated with female secondary coloration in the Mexican boulder spiny lizard (Sceloporus pyrocephalus ))
George E. Bentley grad student 2006-2010 UC Berkeley
 (Gonadotropin inhibitory hormone: New insights into the neuroendocrinology of stress and social conditions.)
Erica Bree Rosenblum post-doc UC Berkeley (Evolution Tree)
Timothy Q. Gentner post-doc 2010-2011 Department of Surgery, University of California, San Diego
John C. Wingfield post-doc 2010-2013 UC Davis
Lance J. Kriegsfeld post-doc 2013-2014 UC Berkeley


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Laura Flores research assistant UC Davis
James Casey research assistant 2015 Barnard College, Columbia University
Lea Pollack research assistant 2015 Barnard College, Columbia University (Evolution Tree)
Stefanie Siller research assistant 2015 Barnard College, Columbia University
April Booth grad student UC Davis
Victoria S. Farrar grad student 2022 UC Davis
Alexandra Colón-Rodríguez post-doc UC Davis
Naomi R. Ondrasek post-doc 2016-2017 UC Davis
Suzanne H. Austin post-doc 2016-2019 UC Davis
Isaac Ligocki post-doc 2016-2019 UC Davis
Rayna M. Harris post-doc 2020 UC Davis
Rechelle Viernes research scientist UC Davis
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