Christopher J. Honey

2014-2016 Psychology University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
 2016- Psychological & Brain Sciences Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
brain networks, temporal integration, narrative cognition, memory
Mean distance: 14.94 (cluster 23)


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Olaf Sporns grad student 2005-2009 Indiana University
 (Fluctuations and flow in large-scale brain networks.)
Uri Hasson post-doc 2009-2013 Princeton


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Jae Hyung Woo research assistant 2018-2019 Johns Hopkins
Xian Li grad student 2020- Johns Hopkins
Hsiang-Yun Sherry Chien grad student 2016-2021 Johns Hopkins
Kevin D. Himberger grad student 2016-2021 Johns Hopkins
Touran Shima Rahimi-Moghaddam grad student 2018-2022 Johns Hopkins
Kristijan Armeni post-doc 2020- Johns Hopkins
David Groppe post-doc 2014-2016 University of Toronto
Kathrin Müsch post-doc 2016-2018 Johns Hopkins
Buddhika Bellana post-doc 2018-2021 Johns Hopkins
Joon-Young Moon research scientist 2017- Johns Hopkins
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Honey CJ, Mahabal A, Bellana B. (2023) Psychological Momentum. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 32: 284-292
Bellana B, Mahabal A, Honey CJ. (2022) Narrative thinking lingers in spontaneous thought. Nature Communications. 13: 4585
Nastase SA, Liu YF, Hillman H, et al. (2021) The "Narratives" fMRI dataset for evaluating models of naturalistic language comprehension. Scientific Data. 8: 250
Woo JH, Honey CJ, Moon JY. (2020) Phase and amplitude dynamics of coupled oscillator systems on complex networks. Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.). 30: 121102
Chien HS, Honey CJ. (2020) Constructing and Forgetting Temporal Context in the Human Cerebral Cortex. Neuron
Zuo X, Honey CJ, Barense MD, et al. (2020) Temporal integration of narrative information in a hippocampal amnesic patient. Neuroimage. 116658
Müsch K, Himberger K, Tan KM, et al. (2020) Transformation of speech sequences in human sensorimotor circuits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Holdgraf C, Appelhoff S, Bickel S, et al. (2019) iEEG-BIDS, extending the Brain Imaging Data Structure specification to human intracranial electrophysiology. Scientific Data. 6: 102
Haufe S, DeGuzman P, Henin S, et al. (2018) Elucidating relations between fMRI, ECoG, and EEG through a common natural stimulus. Neuroimage
Keller CJ, Huang Y, Herrero JL, et al. (2018) Induction and Quantification of Excitability Changes in Human Cortical Networks. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 38: 5384-5398
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