Larry E. Beutler

Psychology Pacific Graduate School of Psychology 
Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology
"Larry Beutler"
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Beutler LE, Edwards C, Someah K. (2018) Adapting psychotherapy to patient reactance level: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Clinical Psychology
Beutler LE, Kimpara S, Edwards CJ, et al. (2018) Fitting psychotherapy to patient coping style: A meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychology
Beutler LE, Someah K, Kimpara S, et al. (2016) Selecting the most appropriate treatment for each patient. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology : Ijchp. 16: 99-108
Holt H, Beutler LE, Kimpara S, et al. (2015) Evidence-based supervision: Tracking outcome and teaching principles of change in clinical supervision to bring science to integrative practice. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.). 52: 185-9
Beutler LE. (2014) Welcome to the party, but... Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.). 51: 496-9
Holt H, Beutler LE. (2014) Concerns about the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based psychotherapies in the Veterans Affairs health care system. The American Psychologist. 69: 705-6
Beutler LE, Forrester B, Holt H, et al. (2013) Common, specific, and cross-cutting psychotherapy interventions. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.). 50: 298-301
Nelson DL, Beutler LE, Castonguay LG. (2012) Psychotherapy integration in the treatment of personality disorders: a commentary. Journal of Personality Disorders. 26: 7-16
Beutler LE, Forrester B, Gallagher-Thompson D, et al. (2012) Common, specific, and treatment fit variables in psychotherapy outcome Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. 22: 255-281
Beutler LE, Harwood TM, Michelson A, et al. (2011) Resistance/reactance level. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 67: 133-42
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