James Hanson
Affiliations: | Optometry | University of Bradford, Bradford, England, United Kingdom |
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Heron J, Roach NW, Hanson JV, et al. (2012) Audiovisual time perception is spatially specific. Experimental Brain Research. 218: 477-85 |
Heron J, Roach NW, Whitaker D, et al. (2010) Attention regulates the plasticity of multisensory timing. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 31: 1755-62 |
Heron J, Hanson JV, Whitaker D. (2009) Effect before cause: supramodal recalibration of sensorimotor timing. Plos One. 4: e7681 |
Hanson JV, Whitaker D, Heron J. (2009) Preferential processing of tactile events under conditions of divided attention. Neuroreport. 20: 1392-6 |
Hanson JV, Heron J, Whitaker D. (2008) Recalibration of perceived time across sensory modalities. Experimental Brain Research. 185: 347-52 |
Hanson JVM, Heron J, Whitaker D. (2008) Asynchrony adaptation is not specific to sound and vision Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics. 28: 96-97 |
Heron J, Hanson J, Whitaker D. (2007) Asynchrony adaptation is not specific to sound and vision Perception. 36: 0-0 |