Michael J. Liersch, Ph.D.

2007 University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
Cognitive Psychology, Physical Education, Social Psychology
"Michael Liersch"
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Craig R. M. McKenzie grad student 2007 UCSD
 (Testing the boundary conditions of biases resulting from heuristic processes.)
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Mckenzie CRM, Sher S, Müller-Trede J, et al. (2016) Are Longshots Only for Losers? A New Look at the Last Race Effect Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 29: 25-36
Roy MM, Liersch MJ. (2013) I Am a Better Driver Than You Think: Examining Self-Enhancement for Driving Ability. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 43
Roy MM, Liersch MJ, Broomell S. (2013) People Believe That They Are Prototypically Good or Bad. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 122: 200-213
McKenzie CRM, Liersch MJ. (2011) Misunderstanding savings growth: Implications for retirement savings behavior Journal of Marketing Research. 48
Liersch MJ, McKenzie CRM. (2009) Duration neglect by numbers-And its elimination by graphs Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 108: 303-314
McKenzie CRM, Liersch MJ, Yaniv I. (2008) Overconfidence in interval estimates: What does expertise buy you? Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 107: 179-191
McKenzie CR, Liersch MJ, Finkelstein SR. (2006) Recommendations implicit in policy defaults. Psychological Science. 17: 414-20
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