Christoph Rasche

Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Gießen, Hessen, Germany 
"Christoph Rasche"
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Rasche C. (2010) An approach to the parameterization of structure for fast categorization International Journal of Computer Vision. 87: 337-356
Wenger MJ, Rasche C. (2006) Perceptual learning in contrast detection: presence and cost of shifts in response criteria. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 13: 656-61
Wenger MJ, Rasche C. (2005) Bias in an unbiased land? Criterion shifts in perceptual learning using two-interval two-alternative forced-choice staircase procedure Journal of Vision. 5: 867-867
Rasche C, Wenger MJ. (2004) Changes in decisional criteria and bias during perceptual learning Journal of Vision. 4: 307-307
Rasche C, Pham BT, Eckstein MP. (2003) The influence of stimulus information on human perceptual learning: An ideal observer analysis Journal of Vision. 3: 668a
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