Sarah A. Johnson, PhD

2014- MBI / Neuroscience University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
Hippocampus, Physiology, Memory, Aging
"Sarah Johnson"
Mean distance: 14 (cluster 6)


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Lisa E. Kalynchuk research assistant 2002-2004 Dalhousie University
Suzanne Erb grad student 2007-2014 University of Toronto
 (Behavioural and Neuronal Correlates of Long-Term Contextual Memory for Cocaine: Relevance to Craving and Relapse.)
Sara N. Burke post-doc 2014- UF Gainesville
Cristina M. Alberini post-doc 2012-2014 NYU
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Smith SM, Zequeira S, Ravi M, et al. (2021) Age-related impairments on the touchscreen paired associates learning (PAL) task in male rats. Neurobiology of Aging. 109: 176-191
Johnson SA, Zequeira S, Turner SM, et al. (2021) Rodent mnemonic similarity task performance requires the prefrontal cortex. Hippocampus
Kreher MA, Johnson SA, Mizell JM, et al. (2019) The perirhinal cortex supports spatial intertemporal choice stability. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 162: 36-46
Johnson SA, Turner SM, Lubke KN, et al. (2018) Experience-Dependent Effects of Muscimol-Induced Hippocampal Excitation on Mnemonic Discrimination. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 12: 72
Burke SN, Turner SM, Desrosiers CL, et al. (2018) Perforant Path Fiber Loss Results in Mnemonic Discrimination Task Deficits in Young Rats. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 12: 61
Hernandez AR, Reasor JE, Truckenbrod LM, et al. (2018) Dissociable effects of advanced age on prefrontal cortical and medial temporal lobe ensemble activity. Neurobiology of Aging. 70: 217-232
Gaynor LS, Johnson SA, Mizell JM, et al. (2018) Impaired discrimination with intact crossmodal association in aged rats: A dissociation of perirhinal cortical-dependent behaviors. Behavioral Neuroscience. 132: 138-151
Maurer AP, Johnson SA, Hernandez AR, et al. (2017) Age-related Changes in Lateral Entorhinal and CA3 Neuron Allocation Predict Poor Performance on Object Discrimination. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 11: 49
Johnson SA, Turner SM, Santacroce LA, et al. (2017) Age-related impairments in discriminating perceptually similar objects parallel those observed in humans. Hippocampus
Hernandez AR, Reasor JE, Truckenbrod LM, et al. (2016) Medial Prefrontal-Perirhinal Cortical Communication is Necessary for Flexible Response Selection. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
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