Evan Heit

University of California, Merced, Merced, CA, United States 
reasoning, memory, categorization
"Evan Heit"
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Dorrit O. Billman research assistant Penn
Gordon H. Bower grad student Stanford
Douglas Lee Medin post-doc Northwestern
 (University of Michigan)


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Yana Weinstein research assistant 2002-2005 University of Warwick
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Hayes BK, Heit E. (2017) Inductive reasoning 2.0. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Cognitive Science
Kelly LJ, Heit E. (2017) Recognition Memory for Hue: Prototypical Bias and the Role of Labeling. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Heit E, Nicholson SP. (2016) Missing the Party: Political Categorization and Reasoning in the Absence of Party Label Cues. Topics in Cognitive Science
Hawkins GE, Hayes BK, Heit E. (2015) A Dynamic Model of Reasoning and Memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Kelly LJ, Heit E. (2014) Representational shifts made visible: movement away from the prototype in memory for hue. Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 796
Hayes BK, Heit E, Rotello CM. (2014) Memory, reasoning, and categorization: parallels and common mechanisms. Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 529
Heit E, Rotello CM. (2014) Traditional difference-score analyses of reasoning are flawed. Cognition. 131: 75-91
Hayes BK, Heit E. (2013) How similar are recognition memory and inductive reasoning? Memory & Cognition. 41: 781-95
Hayes BK, Fritz K, Heit E. (2013) The relationship between memory and inductive reasoning: does it develop? Developmental Psychology. 49: 848-60
Heit E, Rotello CM. (2012) The pervasive effects of argument length on inductive reasoning Thinking and Reasoning. 18: 244-277
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