Alejandro Murad

Circadian Rhythms
"Alejandro Murad"
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Kaushik R, Nawathean P, Busza A, et al. (2016) Retraction: PER-TIM Interactions with the Photoreceptor Cryptochrome Mediate Circadian Temperature Responses in Drosophila. Plos Biology. 14: e1002403
Dubruille R, Murad A, Rosbash M, et al. (2009) A constant light-genetic screen identifies KISMET as a regulator of circadian photoresponses. Plos Genetics. 5: e1000787
Busza A, Murad A, Emery P. (2007) Interactions between circadian neurons control temperature synchronization of Drosophila behavior. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 27: 10722-33
Kaushik R, Nawathean P, Busza A, et al. (2007) PER-TIM interactions with the photoreceptor cryptochrome mediate circadian temperature responses in Drosophila. Plos Biology. 5: e146
Murad A, Emery-Le M, Emery P. (2007) A subset of dorsal neurons modulates circadian behavior and light responses in Drosophila. Neuron. 53: 689-701
Rush BL, Murad A, Emery P, et al. (2006) Ectopic CRYPTOCHROME renders TIM light sensitive in the Drosophila ovary. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 21: 272-8
Agostino PV, Ferreyra GA, Murad AD, et al. (2004) Diurnal, circadian and photic regulation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II and neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the hamster suprachiasmatic nuclei. Neurochemistry International. 44: 617-25
Golombek DA, Ferreyra GA, Agostino PV, et al. (2003) From light to genes: moving the hands of the circadian clock. Frontiers in Bioscience : a Journal and Virtual Library. 8: s285-93
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