Cesare V. Parise

MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany 
multisensory integration
"Cesare Parise"
Mean distance: 15.23 (cluster 23)
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Pesnot Lerousseau J, Parise CV, Ernst MO, et al. (2022) Multisensory correlation computations in the human brain identified by a time-resolved encoding model. Nature Communications. 13: 2489
Ryan CP, Bettelani GC, Ciotti S, et al. (2021) The Interaction between Motion and Texture in the Sense of Touch. Journal of Neurophysiology
Senna I, Parise CV, Ernst MO. (2017) Modulation frequency as a cue for auditory speed perception. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 284
Parise CV, Ernst MO. (2017) Noise, multisensory integration, and previous response in perceptual disambiguation. Plos Computational Biology. 13: e1005546
Parise CV. (2016) Crossmodal Correspondences: Standing Issues and Experimental Guidelines. Multisensory Research. 29: 7-28
Parise CV, Spence C, Deroy O. (2016) Understanding the Correspondences: Introduction to the Special Issue on Crossmodal Correspondences. Multisensory Research. 29: 1-6
Parise CV, Ernst MO. (2016) Correlation detection as a general mechanism for multisensory integration. Nature Communications. 7: 11543
Parise C, Banks M, Ernst M. (2016) ON and OFF channels in auditory-visual integration Journal of Vision. 16: 861
Senna I, Parise CV, Ernst MO. (2015) Hearing in slow-motion: Humans underestimate the speed of moving sounds. Scientific Reports. 5: 14054
Parise CV, Knorre K, Ernst MO. (2014) Natural auditory scene statistics shapes human spatial hearing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111: 6104-8
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