Neville Cobbe

University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom 
"Neville Cobbe"
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Ciurciu A, Duncalf L, Jonchere V, et al. (2013) PNUTS/PP1 regulates RNAPII-mediated gene expression and is necessary for developmental growth. Plos Genetics. 9: e1003885
Bolukbasi E, Vass S, Cobbe N, et al. (2012) Drosophila poly suggests a novel role for the Elongator complex in insulin receptor-target of rapamycin signalling. Open Biology. 2: 110031
Cobbe N, Marshall KM, Gururaja Rao S, et al. (2009) The conserved metalloprotease invadolysin localizes to the surface of lipid droplets. Journal of Cell Science. 122: 3414-23
Cobbe N, Heck MM. (2006) The evolution of ATPase activity in SMC proteins. Proteins. 63: 685-96
Cobbe N, Savvidou E, Heck MM. (2006) Diverse mitotic and interphase functions of condensins in Drosophila. Genetics. 172: 991-1008
Little TJ, Cobbe N. (2005) The evolution of immune-related genes from disease carrying mosquitoes: diversity in a peptidoglycan- and a thioester-recognizing protein. Insect Molecular Biology. 14: 599-605
Savvidou E, Cobbe N, Steffensen S, et al. (2005) Drosophila CAP-D2 is required for condensin complex stability and resolution of sister chromatids. Journal of Cell Science. 118: 2529-43
Cobbe N, Heck MM. (2004) Computer dating for proteins. Heredity. 93: 523-4
Cobbe N, Heck MM. (2004) The evolution of SMC proteins: phylogenetic analysis and structural implications. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 21: 332-47
Steffensen S, Coelho PA, Cobbe N, et al. (2001) A role for Drosophila SMC4 in the resolution of sister chromatids in mitosis. Current Biology : Cb. 11: 295-307
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