Toshihiko Iwamoto, MD

Geriatrics Tokyo Medical College, Shinjuku-ku, Tōkyō-to, Japan 
"Toshihiko Iwamoto"

Mean distance: 19.07 (cluster 24)
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Hashimoto Y, Umahara T, Hanyu H, et al. (2017) Calmodulin-like skin protein is downregulated in human cerebrospinal fluids of Alzheimer's disease patients with apolipoprotein E4; a pilot study using postmortem samples. Neurological Research. 1-6
Sekizuka T, Yamashita A, Murase Y, et al. (2015) TGS-TB: Total Genotyping Solution for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Using Short-Read Whole-Genome Sequencing. Plos One. 10: e0142951
Takaya H, Nakajima S, Nakagawa N, et al. (2015) Investigation of organoiron catalysis in Kumada-Tamao-Corriu-type cross-coupling reaction assisted by solution-phase X-ray absorption spectroscopy Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 88: 410-418
Ootani W, Ieki K, Iwamoto T, et al. (2015) Development of deep-UV sensitive MPPC for liquid xenon scintillation detector Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section a: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 787: 220-223
Keefer G, Grant C, Piepke A, et al. (2015) Laboratory studies on the removal of radon-born lead from KamLAND's organic liquid scintillator Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section a: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 769: 79-87
Umahara T, Uchihara T, Koyama S, et al. (2014) Local extension of HMGB1 in atherosclerotic lesions of human main cerebral and carotid arteries. Histology and Histopathology. 29: 235-42
Iwamoto T, Hanyu H, Umahara T. (2013) [Age-related changes of sensory system]. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine. 71: 1720-5
Fukazawa R, Koyama S, Kanetaka H, et al. (2013) [Leg edema detected on comprehensive geriatric assessment for elderly outpatients and its associated risk factors]. Nihon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Geriatrics. 50: 384-91
Iwamoto T, Hanyu H, Umahara T, et al. (2013) Newly developed comprehensive geriatric assessment initiative "Dr. SUPERMAN" as a convenient screening test. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 13: 811-2
Koyama S, Hashimoto T, Umahara T, et al. (2013) Preoperative prediction of macrophage infiltration by 3-D tomographic ultrasound in endoarterectomized carotid plaques in elderly patients. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 13: 834-41
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