David A. Rosenbaum

Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
Cognition and Action
"David Rosenbaum"
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Matthew M. Walsh research assistant Penn State
Andrew M. Gordon research assistant 1982-1984 Hampshire College
David A. Hoagey research assistant 2008-2009 Penn State
Steven Jax grad student Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute
Catherine L. Elsinger grad student 2000 Penn State
Esa M. Rantanen grad student 2000 Penn State
Liana E. Brown grad student 1997-2003 Penn State
Frouke Hermens grad student 2003-2003 Penn State
Jason S. Augustyn grad student 1999-2004 Penn State
Amanda M. Dawson grad student 2006 Penn State
Rajal G. Cohen grad student 2002-2008 Penn State
Robrecht P. van der Wel grad student 2009 Penn State
Scott Glover post-doc Penn State
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Ozana A, Hermens F, Meulenbroek RGJ, et al. (2023) Thinking on your feet: Anticipatory foot placements in repeated bimanual object displacements. Acta Psychologica. 241: 104089
Rosenbaum DA, Sauerberger KS. (2022) Deciding what to do: Observations from a psycho-motor laboratory, including the discovery of pre-crastination. Behavioural Processes. 199: 104658
Rosenbaum DA. (2021) The Ultimate Tool: The Body, Planning of Physical Actions, and the Role of Mental Imagery in Choosing Motor Acts. Topics in Cognitive Science
Feghhi I, Rosenbaum DA. (2020) Effort avoidance is not simply error avoidance. Psychological Research
Rosenbaum DA, Bui BV. (2019) Does task sustainability provide a unified measure of subjective task difficulty? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
VonderHaar RL, McBride DM, Rosenbaum DA. (2019) Task order choices in cognitive and perceptual-motor tasks: The cognitive-load-reduction (CLEAR) hypothesis. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Feghhi I, Rosenbaum DA. (2019) Judging the subjective difficulty of different kinds of tasks. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance
Rosenbaum DA, Sauerberger KS. (2019) End-state comfort meets pre-crastination. Psychological Research
Rosenbaum DA, Feghhi I. (2019) The time for action is at hand. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Fournier LR, Coder E, Kogan C, et al. (2018) Which task will we choose first? Precrastination and cognitive load in task ordering. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
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