Gregory A. Waas

Psychology Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United States 
Clinical Psychology
"Gregory Waas"
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Murray C, Murray KM, Waas GA. (2008) Child and teacher reports of teacher-student relationships: Concordance of perspectives and associations with school adjustment in urban kindergarten classrooms Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 29: 49-61
Murray C, Waas GA, Murray KM. (2008) Child race and gender as moderators of the association between teacher-child relationships and school adjustment Psychology in the Schools. 45: 562-578
Gronau RC, Waas GA. (1997) Delay of gratification and cue utilization: An examination of children's social information processing Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 43: 305-322
Adams GB, Waas GA, March JS, et al. (1994) Obsessive compulsive disorder in children and adolescents: The role of the school psychologist in identification, assessment, and treatment. School Psychology Quarterly. 9: 274-294
Licitra-Kleckler DM, Waas GA. (1993) Perceived Social Support among High-Stress Adolescents The Role of Peers and Family Journal of Adolescent Research. 8: 381-402
Waas GA, Anderson GP. (1991) Outcome Expectancy and Treatment Acceptability: Perceptions of School-Based Interventions Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 22: 149-154
Waas GA. (1991) Dimensions of outcome expectancy in the evaluation of school-based interventions Journal of School Psychology. 29: 249-264
Waas GA, French DC. (1989) Children's social problem solving: Comparison of the open middle interview and children's assertive behavior scale Behavioral Assessment. 11: 219-230
Waas GA. (1988) Social attributional biases of peer-rejected and aggressive children Child Development. 59: 969-975
Waas GA. (1987) Aggressive rejected children: Implications for school psychologists Journal of School Psychology. 25: 383-388
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