Jonathan Flombaum, Ph.D.

Psychologiacl and Brain Sciences Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
Cognitive Psychology
"Jonathan Flombaum"
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Brian J. Scholl grad student 2002-2008 Yale
 (Persisting objects: Building blocks of attention, memory, and action.)


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Gi-Yeul Bae grad student 2009- Johns Hopkins
Zheng Ma grad student 2011- Johns Hopkins
Feitong Yang grad student 2013- Johns Hopkins
Mark W. Schurgin grad student 2012-2017 Johns Hopkins
Shanmukha Aditya Upadhyayula grad student 2016-2020 Johns Hopkins
BETA: Related publications


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Upadhyayula A, Flombaum J. (2020) A model that adopts human fixations explains individual differences in multiple object tracking. Cognition. 104418
Litovsky C, Yang F, Flombaum J, et al. (2020) Bimanual visually guided movements are more than the sum of their parts: Evidence from optic ataxia. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 1-11
Schurgin MW, Flombaum JI. (2018) Properties of visual episodic memory following repeated encounters with objects. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 25: 309-316
Schurgin MW, Flombaum JI. (2018) Visual working memory is more tolerant than visual long-term memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance
Yu Q, Firestone C, Flombaum J, et al. (2018) Visual interference does not contaminate working memory: Testing the "perceptual reuse" theory Journal of Vision. 18: 691
Litovsky C, Yang F, Ma Z, et al. (2018) Visually guided unimanual and bimanual reaching rely on different cognitive mechanisms: Evidence from optic ataxia Journal of Vision. 18: 69
Yang F, Flombaum J. (2018) Polar coordinates as the format of spatial representation in visual perception Journal of Vision. 18: 21
Upadhyayula S, Flombaum J. (2018) Object size affects multiple object tracking performance (but not via frequency of close encounters) Journal of Vision. 18: 1020
Schurgin MW, Flombaum JI. (2017) Exploiting core knowledge for visual object recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 146: 362-375
Gross S, Flombaum J. (2017) Does Perceptual Consciousness Overflow Cognitive Access? The Challenge from Probabilistic, Hierarchical Processes Mind & Language. 32: 358-391
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