Courtney L. Benjamin, Ph.D.

2012 Psychology Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Mental Health
"Courtney Benjamin"
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Philip C. Kendall grad student 2012 Temple University
 (Mental health outcomes in young adults 16 years after receiving treatment for child anxiety.)
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Crawley SA, Kendall PC, Benjamin CL, et al. (2013) Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxious Youth: Feasibility and Initial Outcomes. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 20
Benjamin CL, Harrison JP, Settipani CA, et al. (2013) Anxiety and related outcomes in young adults 7 to 19 years after receiving treatment for child anxiety. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 81: 865-76
Cohen JS, Edmunds JM, Brodman DM, et al. (2013) Using Self-Monitoring: Implementation of Collaborative Empiricism in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 20: 419-428
O'Neil KA, Puleo CM, Benjamin CL, et al. (2012) Suicidal ideation in anxiety-disordered youth. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. 42: 305-17
Mychailyszyn MP, Beidas RS, Benjamin CL, et al. (2011) Assessing and Treating Child Anxiety in Schools. Psychology in the Schools. 48: 223-232
Puleo CM, Conner BT, Benjamin CL, et al. (2011) CBT for childhood anxiety and substance use at 7.4-year follow-up: a reassessment controlling for known predictors. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 25: 690-6
Benjamin CL, Puleo CM, Settipani CA, et al. (2011) History of cognitive-behavioral therapy in youth. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 20: 179-89
Benjamin CL, Beidas RS, Comer JS, et al. (2011) Generalized Anxiety Disorder in youth: diagnostic considerations. Depression and Anxiety. 28: 173-82
Benjamin CL, Puleo CM, Kendall PC. (2011) Informant agreement in treatment gains for child anxiety Child and Family Behavior Therapy. 33: 199-216
Mychailyszyn MP, Beidas RS, Benjamin CL, et al. (2011) Assessing and treating child anxiety in schools Psychology in the Schools. 48: 223-232
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