Marianne E. Lloyd, Ph.D.

2005 State University of New York at Binghamton, Vestal, NY, United States 
Cognitive Psychology
"Marianne Lloyd"
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Deanne L. Westerman grad student 2005 SUNY Binghamton
 (Reducing conjunction errors with metacognition.)
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Geurten M, Willems S, Lloyd M. (2020) Too Much Familiarity! The Developmental Path of the Fluency Heuristic in Children. Child Development. 92: 919-936
Westerman DL, Miller JK, Lloyd ME. (2017) Revelation effects in remembering, forecasting, and perspective taking. Memory & Cognition
Moen KC, Miller JK, Lloyd ME. (2017) Selective attention meets spontaneous recognition memory: Evidence for effects at retrieval. Consciousness and Cognition. 49: 181-189
Ngo CT, Lloyd ME. (2016) Familiarity Influences on Direct and Indirect Associative Memory for Objects in Scenes. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1-42
Geurten M, Lloyd M, Willems S. (2016) Hearing "Quack" and Remembering A Duck: Evidence for Fluency Attribution in Young Children. Child Development
Lloyd M, Szani A, Rubenstein K, et al. (2016) A Brief Mindfulness Exercise Before Retrieval Reduces Recognition Memory False Alarms Mindfulness. 7: 606-613
Lloyd ME, Hartman A, Ngo CT, et al. (2015) Not enough familiarity for fluency: definitional encoding increases familiarity but does not lead to fluency attribution in associative recognition. Memory & Cognition. 43: 39-48
Lloyd ME. (2013) Reducing the familiarity of conjunction lures with pictures. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 39: 1609-14
Newcombe NS, Lloyd ME, Balcomb F. (2012) Contextualizing the Development of Recollection: Episodic Memory and Binding in Young Children Origins and Development of Recollection: Perspectives From Psychology and Neuroscience
Lloyd ME, Miller JK. (2011) Are two heuristics better than one? The fluency and distinctiveness heuristics in recognition memory Memory and Cognition. 39: 1264-1274
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