George A. Neuman

Psychology Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United States 
Organization Theory, Black Studies, African American Studies, Psychometrics Psychology
"George Neuman"
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Coutinho SA, Neuman G. (2008) A model of metacognition, achievement goal orientation, learning style and self-efficacy Learning Environments Research. 11: 131-151
Bolin AU, Neuman GA. (2006) Personality, process, and performance in interactive brainstorming groups Journal of Business and Psychology. 20: 565-585
Neuman GA, Bolin AU, Briggs TE. (2000) Identifying General Factors of Intelligence: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Ball Aptitude Battery Educational and Psychological Measurement. 60: 697-712
Neuman GA, Bolin AU, Briggs TE. (2000) Development of a Short Form: The Ball Aptitude Battery. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 32: 187-198
Kickul J, Neuman G. (2000) Emergent Leadership Behaviors: The Function of Personality and Cognitive Ability in Determining Teamwork Performance and KSAs Journal of Business and Psychology. 15: 27-51
Neuman GA, Wright J. (1999) Team effectiveness: Beyond skills and cognitive ability Journal of Applied Psychology. 84: 376-389
Neuman GA, Wagner SH, Christiansen ND. (1999) The Relationship between Work-Team Personality Composition and the Job Performance of Teams Group and Organization Management. 24: 28-45
Neuman GA, Baydoun R. (1998) An Empirical Examination of Overt and Covert Integrity Tests Journal of Business and Psychology. 13: 65-79
Neuman GA, Kickul JR. (1998) Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: Achievement Orientation and Personality Journal of Business and Psychology. 13: 263-279
Neuman GA. (1991) Autonomous work group selection Journal of Business and Psychology. 6: 283-291
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