Maja Graso, Ph.D.

2011 Psychology - Experimental Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
Behavioral Psychology, Industrial Psychology
"Maja Graso"
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Tahira Probst grad student 2011 WSU
 (Exploring the relationships between organizational justice, cognitive rigidity and cognitive complexity.)
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Graso M, Camps J, Strah N, et al. (2020) Organizational justice enactment: An agent-focused review and path forward Journal of Vocational Behavior. 116: 103296
Tripp TM, Jiang L, Olson K, et al. (2018) The Fair Process Effect in the Classroom: Reducing the Influence of Grades on Student Evaluations of Teachers Journal of Marketing Education. 41: 173-184
Benson WL, Probst TM, Jiang L, et al. (2017) Insecurity in the Ivory Tower: Direct and indirect effects of pay stagnation and job insecurity on faculty performance Economic and Industrial Democracy. 41: 693-708
Graso M, Grover SL. (2017) Organizational Justice Comes of Age: Review of the Oxford Handbook of Justice in the Workplace Edited by Russell Cropanzano and Maureen Ambrose Social Justice Research. 30: 181-190
Probst TM, Jiang L, Graso M. (2016) Leader-member exchange: Moderating the health and safety outcomes of job insecurity. Journal of Safety Research. 56: 47-56
Probst TM, Jiang L, Graso M. (2016) Leader-member exchange: Moderating the health and safety outcomes of job insecurity Journal of Safety Research. 56: 47-56
Tripp TM, Jiang L, Graso M, et al. (2014) Fair Process Effect in the Classroom: Eliminating the Grades and Student-Evaluations Correlation Academy of Management Proceedings. 2014: 16542
Graso M, Jiang L, Probst TM, et al. (2014) Cross-level effects of procedural justice perceptions on faculty trust Journal of Trust Research. 4: 147-166
Probst TM, Graso M. (2013) Pressure to produce=pressure to reduce accident reporting? Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 59: 580-7
Probst TM, Graso M, Estrada AX, et al. (2013) Consideration of future safety consequences: a new predictor of employee safety. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 55: 124-34
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