Alison Cerezo, Ph.D.

2009 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United States 
Higher Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Hispanic American Studies
"Alison Cerezo"
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Benedict McWhirter grad student 2009 University of Oregon
 (Examining the effectiveness of the "Latino/a Educational Equity Project" (LEEP): A program designed for Latino/a college students.)
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Cerezo A, Lyda J, Enriquez A, et al. (2015) African American and Latino men's recommendations for an improved campus environment Journal of College Counseling. 18: 244-258
Cerezo A, Peña D. (2014) Feminism as a Tool to Connect Latinas to Graduate Psychology Training Women and Therapy. 37: 46-58
Cerezo A, Morales A, Quintero D, et al. (2014) Trans migrations: Exploring life at the intersection of transgender identity and immigration. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. 1: 170-180
Cerezo A, O'neil ME, Mcwhirter BT. (2009) Counseling latina/o students from an ecological perspective: Working with peter Journal of College Counseling. 12: 170-181
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