Charles S. Corprew, Ph.D.

2011 Psychology Tulane University School of Science and Engineering 
General Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
"Charles Corprew"
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Micheal Cunningham grad student 2011 Tulane University School of Science and Engineering
 (Men at the crossroads: Revisiting the definition, dimensionality, and function of hypermasculinity within the collegiate context.)
BETA: Related publications


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Cunningham M, Barry KM, Corprew CS. (2014) Community violence as a mediator between African American adolescent males’ personal challenges and antisocial behaviors Advances in Race and Ethnicity in Education. 2: 177-192
Corprew CS, Cunningham M. (2012) Educating Tomorrow's Men: Perceived School Support, Negative Youth Experiences, and Bravado Attitudes In African American Adolescent Males Education and Urban Society. 44: 571-589
Cunningham M, Corprew CS, Becker JE. (2009) Associations of future expectations, negative friends, and academic achievement in high-achieving African American adolescents Urban Education. 44: 280-296
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