Camilo Ortiz

Clinical Psychology Long Island University, C. W. Post Center 
Behavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
"Camilo Ortiz"
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Wade CM, Ortiz C, Gorman BS. (2007) Two-Session Group Parent Training for Bedtime Noncompliance in Head Start Preschoolers. Child & Family Behavior Therapy. 29: 23-55
Helfenbaum-Kun ED, Ortiz C. (2007) Parent-Training Groups for Fathers of Head Start Children: A Pilot Study of Their Feasibility and Impact on Child Behavior and Intra-Familial Relationships Child & Family Behavior Therapy. 29: 47-64
Goldstein NE, Arnold DH, Curry J, et al. (1997) Preventing Behavior Problems With Academic Programs N H S a Research Quarterly. 1: 171-177
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