Michelle S. Rozenman, Ph.D.

2013 Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU) University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
Clinical Psychology
"Michelle Rozenman"
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V Robin Weersing grad student 2013 UCSD
 (Performance-Based Cognitive Processing in Clinically Anxious Youths.)
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Rozenman M, Sweeny TD, McDonagh DC, et al. (2024) Anxious youth and adults share threat-biased interpretations of linguistic and visual ambiguity: A proof of concept study. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 105: 102878
Angulo F, Goger P, Brent DA, et al. (2024) Impact of trauma exposure and depression comorbidity on response to transdiagnostic behavioral therapy for pediatric anxiety and depression. Npj Mental Health Research. 3: 8
Goger P, Rozenman M, Gonzalez A, et al. (2023) Early indicators of response to transdiagnostic treatment of pediatric anxiety and depression. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines
Gonzalez A, Rozenman M, Goger P, et al. (2023) Autonomic reactivity during acute social stress: exploratory investigation of an interaction by threat interpretation bias and emotion regulation difficulties. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping. 1-14
Bocanegra ES, Chang SW, Rozenman M, et al. (2023) Attention Bias and Anxiety: The Moderating Effect of Sociocultural Variables in Rural Latinx Youth. Community Mental Health Journal
Baca SA, Goger P, Glaser D, et al. (2023) Reduction in avoidance mediates effects of brief behavioral therapy for pediatric anxiety and depression. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 164: 104290
Rozenman M, Gonzalez A, Vreeland A, et al. (2022) Resting State Psychophysiology in Youth with OCD and Their Caregivers: Preliminary Evidence for Trend Synchrony and Links to Family Functioning. Child Psychiatry and Human Development
Schwartz KTG, Kado-Walton M, Dickerson JF, et al. (2022) Brief Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety and Depression in Pediatric Primary Care: Breadth of Intervention Impact. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Subar AR, Rozenman M. (2021) Like parent, like child: Is parent interpretation bias associated with their child's interpretation bias and anxiety? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. 291: 307-314
Peris TS, Thamrin H, Rozenman MS. (2021) Erratum to "Family Intervention for Child and Adolescent Anxiety: A Meta-analytic Review of Therapy Targets, Techniques, and Outcomes". [Journal of Affective Disorders 286C (1 May 2021) 282- 295]. Journal of Affective Disorders
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