Shripad Kondra, Ph.D.

National Brain Research Centre, Gurugram, Haryana, India 
"Shripad Kondra"

Shripad is Research Associate- Grade III at National Brain Research Centre. He was Post-doctoral researcher in Computer Vision at University of Naples (Parthenope), Italy.He has been a Marie Curie Fellow in Europe, and has done his PhD in Neuroscience from International Institute of Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste, Italy. Earlier he completed his MS in Medical Technology from Lubeck University, Germany and B.E. in Biomedical Engineering from Bombay University.

His Interests are Multi-modal Neuroimaging, Computer vision & Image Processing.

Mean distance: 15.55 (cluster 17)
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Kondra S, Petrosino A. (2012) Self-similarity and points of interest in textured images Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 7143: 306-313
Laishram J, Kondra S, Avossa D, et al. (2009) A morphological analysis of growth cones of DRG neurons combining atomic force and confocal microscopy. Journal of Structural Biology. 168: 366-77
Kondra S, Laishram J, Ban J, et al. (2009) Integration of confocal and atomic force microscopy images. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 177: 94-107
Kondra S, Torre V. (2008) Texture classification using three circular filters Proceedings - 6th Indian Conference On Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Icvgip 2008. 429-434
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