Sydney Hans

Psychology: Committee on Human Development / Mental Health Research University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Clinical Psychology, Oncology, General Religion
"Sydney Hans"
Mean distance: 25.24


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Jadwiga E. Furdyna grad student 2000 Chicago
Patrick R. Nickoletti grad student 2000 Chicago
Jerome A. Richardson grad student 2000 Chicago
Amy S. Abramson grad student 2005 Chicago
Juliet S. Bromer grad student 2006 Chicago
Brent Finger grad student 2006 Chicago
Christina K. Honde grad student 2007 Chicago
Katarina H. Thoren grad student 2008 Chicago
Judith Havlicek grad student 2009 Chicago
Neely L. Myers grad student 2009 Chicago
Joan M. Blakey grad student 2010 Chicago
Renee C. Edwards grad student 2011 Chicago
Matthew J. Thullen grad student 2011 Chicago
Juhi R. Kaboski grad student 2012 Chicago
Ashley Curry grad student 2014 Chicago
Erin M. Fitzpatrick-Behnke grad student 2014 Chicago
BETA: Related publications


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Herriott AL, Etling S, Hans SL. (2023) Community-Based Doula's Role Within the Birth Support System: Young Black Mothers' Perspectives. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health
Edwards RC, Hans SL. (2022) Young mother risk-taking moderates doula home visiting impacts on parenting and toddler social-emotional development. Development and Psychopathology. 1-19
Hans SL, Herriott AL, Finger B, et al. (2022) Parenting Among Women in Methadone Treatment: Contributions of Mental Health Problems and Violence Exposure. Child Psychiatry and Human Development
Hans SL, Cox SM, Medina NY. (2022) African American Adolescent Mothers' Childbirth Support From Fathers, Grandmothers, Nurses, Doctors, and Doulas. The Journal of Perinatal Education. 31: 21-28
Edwards RC, Herriott AL, Finger B, et al. (2021) Associations between parenting representations and behavior among young mothers and mothers with opioid use disorder. Infant Mental Health Journal
Medina NY, Edwards RC, Zhang Y, et al. (2021) A longitudinal investigation of young mothers' prenatal attachment, depressive symptoms, and early parenting behaviour. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 1-16
Yazejian N, Bryant DM, Kuhn LJ, et al. (2020) The Educare intervention: Outcomes at age 3. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 53: 425-440
Cox SM, Lashley CO, Henson LG, et al. (2020) Making meaning of motherhood: Self and life transitions among African American adolescent mothers. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Gilkerson L, Burkhardt T, Katch LE, et al. (2020) Increasing parenting self-efficacy: The Fussy Baby Network intervention. Infant Mental Health Journal
Edwards RC, Vieyra Y, Hans SL. (2020) Maternal support for infant learning: Findings from a randomized controlled trial of doula home visiting services for young mothers Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 51: 26-38
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