Valentina Nikulina, Ph.D.

2009 St. John's University (New York) 
Clinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies
"Valentina Nikulina"
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Elissa J. Brown grad student 2009 St. John's University (New York)
 (Responses to sexual assault disclosure and survivor's symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression: Do race/ethnicity of sexual assault survivor and disclosure recipient matter?)
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Carson KW, Babad S, Kosuri M, et al. (2021) Sexual Victimization Disclosure: A Cluster Analysis Approach to Understanding Victimization Experiences in Disclosers and Non-Disclosers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18
Carson KW, Babad S, Brown EJ, et al. (2021) Why Do Women Talk About It? Reasons for Disclosure of Sexual Victimization and Associated Symptomology. Violence Against Women. 1077801220978818
Babad S, Zwilling A, Carson KW, et al. (2019) Risk-Taking Propensity and Sensation Seeking in Survivors of Adverse Childhood Experiences. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260519876035
Butt M, Espinal E, Aupperle RL, et al. (2019) The Electrical Aftermath: Brain Signals of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Filtered Through a Clinical Lens. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 10: 368
Carson KW, Babad S, Brown EJ, et al. (2019) Why Women Are Not Talking About It: Reasons for Nondisclosure of Sexual Victimization and Associated Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression. Violence Against Women. 1077801219832913
Nikulina V, Widom CS. (2019) Higher Levels of Intelligence and Executive Functioning Protect Maltreated Children Against Adult Arrests: A Prospective Study. Child Maltreatment. 24: 3-16
Nikulina V, Gelin M, Zwilling A. (2017) Is There a Cumulative Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Intimate Partner Violence in Emerging Adulthood? Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260517741626
Nikulina V, Bautista A, Brown EJ. (2016) Negative Responses to Disclosure of Sexual Victimization and Victims' Symptoms of PTSD and Depression: The Protective Role of Ethnic Identity. Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Francis MM, Nikulina V, Widom CS. (2015) A Prospective Examination of the Mechanisms Linking Childhood Physical Abuse to Body Mass Index in Adulthood. Child Maltreatment. 20: 203-13
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