
Daniel Johnston

University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
"Daniel Johnston"
Mean distance: 12.12 (cluster 6)


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Howard Wachtel grad student 1974 Duke


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Eedann D McCord research assistant 2011-2013 UT Austin
Ann Clemens grad student HU Berlin
Sachin Vaidya grad student Janelia Farm Research Campus - HHMI
Sung Jae Kim grad student 2005- UT Austin
Richard Gray grad student 1988 Baylor College of Medicine
Nelson Spruston grad student 1985-1991 Baylor College of Medicine
David B. Jaffe grad student 1987-1992 Baylor College of Medicine
Craig M. Powell grad student 1989-1994 Baylor College of Medicine
Erik P. Cook grad student 1996 Baylor College of Medicine
Dax A. Hoffman grad student 1994-1999 Baylor College of Medicine
Xixi Chen grad student 2000-2004 Baylor College of Medicine
Yuan Fan grad student 2005 Baylor College of Medicine
Chung Sub Kim grad student 2007-2011 UT Austin
Yul Young Park grad student 2005-2012 UT Austin
Christophe Bernard post-doc Baylor College of Medicine
Raymond Chitwood post-doc UT Austin
Costa Colbert post-doc Baylor College of Medicine
Kelly Dougherty post-doc
Andreas Frick post-doc NeuroCentre Magendie
Richard Hallworth post-doc Baylor College of Medicine
Jeffrey C. Magee post-doc Baylor College of Medicine
Nicholas P. Poolos post-doc Baylor College of Medicine
Paul A. Rutecki post-doc Baylor College of Medicine
Paul E. Schulz post-doc Baylor College of Medicine
Mala M. Shah post-doc Baylor College of Medicine
Shigeo Watanabe post-doc Baylor College of Medicine
Mark Yeckel post-doc Baylor College of Medicine
LiLian Yuan post-doc Baylor College of Medicine
Jeremy Amiel Rosenkranz post-doc 2002- UT Austin
Laurea Diaz post-doc 2005- UT Austin
Clifton Rumsey post-doc 2005- UT Austin
Stephanie M. Carlson post-doc 2006- UT Austin
Payne Yun-peng Chang post-doc 2006- UT Austin
Brian E. Kalmbach post-doc 2010- UT Austin
Chung Sub Kim post-doc 2012- UT Austin
Lise S. Eliot post-doc 1991-1994 Baylor College of Medicine
Brian Ross Christie post-doc 1994-1996 Baylor College of Medicine
Desdemona Fricker post-doc 2000-2002 Baylor College of Medicine
Darrin H. Brager post-doc 2003-2005 Baylor College of Medicine
Helmut Koester post-doc 2003-2005 Baylor College of Medicine
Xixi Chen post-doc 2004-2006 UT Austin
Rishikesh Narayanan post-doc 2005-2009 UT Austin
Nikolai C. Dembrow post-doc 2007-2014 UT Austin
Ruchi Malik post-doc 2012-2016 UT Austin
Darrin H. Brager research scientist 2005- UT Austin
BETA: Related publications


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Routh BN, Brager DH, Johnston D. (2022) Ionic and morphological contributions to the variable gain of membrane responses in layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons of mouse primary visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology
Gray R, Johnston D. (2021) Sodium sensitivity of K channels in mouse CA1 neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology
Kim CS, Johnston D. (2020) Antidepressant Effects of (S)-Ketamine through a Reduction of Hyperpolarization-Activated Current I. Iscience. 23: 101239
Brandalise F, Kalmbach BE, Mehta P, et al. (2020) Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein bidirectionally controls dendritic I in a cell-type specific manner between mouse hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Li B, Routh BN, Johnston D, et al. (2020) Voltage-Gated Intrinsic Conductances Shape the Input-Output Relationship of Cortical Neurons in Behaving Primate V1. Neuron
Arnold EC, McMurray C, Gray R, et al. (2019) Epilepsy-Induced Reduction in HCN Channel Expression Contributes to an Increased Excitability in Dorsal, But Not Ventral, Hippocampal CA1 Neurons. Eneuro. 6
Kim CS, Johnston D. (2018) A Possible Link Between HCN Channels and Depression. Chronic Stress (Thousand Oaks, Calif.). 2
Desai NS, Gray R, Johnston D. (2017) A Dynamic Clamp on Every Rig. Eneuro. 4
Siegel JJ, Chitwood RA, Ding JM, et al. (2017) Prefrontal cortex dysfunction in Fragile X mice depends on the continued absence of Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein in the adult brain. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Kim CS, Brager DH, Johnston D. (2017) Perisomatic changes in h-channels regulate depressive behaviors following chronic unpredictable stress. Molecular Psychiatry
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